Project 6A: Project Final Presentation¶
You will prepare a 10-minute presentation on your project, work, and experience. You will give your presentation in class on Tuesday, December 3. After your presentation, you will answer questions from the instructors for 2 minutes.
- Your presentation is worth 60 points.
- Your time answering questions posed by the instructors is worth 10 points.
Your deliverable for this project is a PDF of your slides. Submit this to Gradescope as P6A by the beginning of class on Tuesday, December 3, 11:00am.
IRB Compliance
Do not share any personally-identifying information about any study participants who evaluated web sites or applications.
Presentation (60 points)¶
- The order of presentations is randomly determined.
- We require that all team members participate orally, in-person in the presentation. If you desire an accommodation for this requirement, please make arrangements with the instructors by Friday, November 29.
- Every individual in class will be asked to provide constructive feedback for other project groups in class via paper form (provided by the instructors at class).
Presentation Attendance
For full credit, you will have to be on time for the presentation session (within 10 minutes of start time). If you are unable to attend in person, you have to send an email with justification to all instructors by Tuesday, November 26 so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Exceptions to this notification deadline will only be made for unforseeable circumstances.
The goal of your presentation is primarly to share with the class (and your partner organization) the project to which you contributed and your experiences. Your presentation should comprise the following required elements:
Introductions (1 slide for the team + 1 slide per teammate) Introduce your team name, project title, partner organization, and the disabilities associated with clients of your partner organization. Then introduce each teammate, along with their assigned roles in the project.
Main Concept (1 slide) Describe the main concept behind your project. If it is an accessibility evaluation, describe the existing site or application your partner organization asked you to evaluate, and the value their users should derive from it. If it is an application solution, describe the big idea behind what you built, the problem it is intended to solve, and value it should provide to its users.
Project Walkthrough (1-2 slides) Take us through the project, organized by your user stories (not features). For accessibility evaluations, summarize your most important findings about the pre-existing site and the user stories you developed for your redesign. For application solutions, describe the highest priority user stories that have been implemented in your solution.
Project Demo (2 minutes) A demo of your redesign or the application you created, with everything working. Organize this demo around user stories, not features.
External Feedback (1 slide) Desribe any external feedback (from outside your team) you received on your project during any of your evaluations.
Reflection (1 slide per teammate) Point out the coolest part of the project, the part of the project of which you are most proud, and the most important lesson you learned about accessibility or disabilities while working on the project.
Celebrating Accessibility (1 slide) How does your project celebrate accessibility?
Q&A (10 points)¶
After your presentation is completed, the instructors will ask your group questions about the project. Anyone may answer a question. You may chime in if you would like to add something to a teammate's answer. Your group will be graded on the quality of its answers.